1. Jogerst, GJ, Xu Y, Ohringer JD, Daly JM. Iowa family physician’s reporting of elder abuse: 20-year follow-up. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect. 2024;36(1):25-40.
  2. Daly J, Ely J, Jogerst J. Dependent adult abuse trends in Iowa, 1984-2023. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 2024;15:1-8.
  3. Daly, J. M. Evidence-based practice guideline: Eder abuse prevention. (2018). Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 44(7), 21-30.
  4. Daly, J. M., Xu., Y., & Jogerst, G. J. (2017). Iowa Dependent Adult Abuse Prosecutions from 2006 through 2015: Health Care Providers’ Concern. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 8(3), 153-162. doi: 10.1177/2150131916688561. PMID: 28142356.
  5. Daly, J.M. (2017). Elder Abuse Prevention. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa, College of Nursing, Gerontological Nursing Interventions Research Center.
  6. Daly, J. M. (2017). Elder Abuse in Long Term Care and Assisted Living Settings, Chapter 4. In Dong, XQ (Ed.). Elder Abuse: Research, Practice and Policy. New York, NY: Springer Science Co.
  7. Daly, J. (2016). Elder Abuse. Chapter in The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment (editors: Jennings WG, Higgins GE, Maldonado-Molina MM, Khey DN). (ISBN 978-1-118-51971-4). Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Blackwell.
  8. Daly, J. M. & Jogerst, G. J. Multidisciplinary Teams and the Law. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 2014;26(1):44-59.
  9. Daly, J.M., Klein A.N.S., Jogerst, J.G. Critical care nurses’ perspectives on elder abuse. Nursing in Critical Care, 2012;17(4):172-179.
  10. Daly, J. M. Violence and the Elderly. Chapter 8. In Christopher J. Ferguson (Ed.). Violent Crime: Clinical and Social Implications. Los Angeles, Sage, pp. 147-183, 2009.  
  11. Brinig MF, Wilkinson ME, Daly JM, Jogerst GJ, Stone EM. The public choice of driving regulations; U iowa legal studies research paper no. 05-27. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=822187.   Accessed Mar 06, 2012.
  12. Daly JM, Gaskill KJ, Jogerst GJ. Multidisciplinary Teams and the Law.J.Elder Abuse Negl. 2012;23(4):234-245.
  13. Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Galloway LJ, Zheng S, Xu Y. Substance Abuse Associated with Elder Abuse in the United States. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2012;38(1):63-69.
  14. Schmeidel AN, Daly JM, Rosenbaum ME, Schmuch GA, Jogerst GJ. Health Care Professionals' Perspectives on Barriers to Elder Abuse Detection and Reporting in Primary Care Settings. J Elder Abuse Negl.2012;24(1):17-36.
  15. Daly JM. Domestic and Institutional Elder Abuse Legislation. Nurs Clin N Am. 2011;46(4):477-484, vii.
  16. Daly JM. Evidence-Based Practice Guideline: Elder Abuse Prevention. J Gerontol Nurs. 2011;37(11):11-17.
  17. Daly JM, Gaskill KJ, Jogerst GJ. Essential Data Elements for Reporters of Elder Abuse. J.Elder Abuse Negl. 2011;23(3):234-245.
  18. Daly JM, Merchant ML, Jogerst GJ. Elder Abuse Research: A Systematic Review. J Elder Abuse Negl. 2011;23(4):348-365.
  19. Ferreira-Alves J, Soares C, Daly JM, Guimaraes P. Rechtliche Und Psychologische Ansichten Zu Gewalt Gegen Alte Menshcen: Die Perspective Von Seniorenheim-Direktoren (German) (Judicial and Psychological Views Against the Elderly: The Perspective of Senior Citizen Home Directors). Stud Crim Foren Sci. 2010;3:130-130-141.
  20. Buri HM, Daly JM, Jogerst GJ. Elder Abuse Telephone Screen Reliability and Validity. J Elder Abuse Negl. 2009;21(1):58-73.
  21. Daly JM, Joshi M, Jogerst GJ. Comparison of Elder Abuse Prevalence Studies. International Perspectives in Victimology. 2009;5(1):31-39.
  22. McCool JJ, Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Xu Y. Multidisciplinary Reports of Nursing Home Mistreatment. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2009;10(3):174-180.
  23. Jogerst GJ, Daly JM. County Government Resources Associated with Dependent-Adult Abuse Investigations in Iowa. J Elder Abuse Negl.2008;20(3):251-264.
  24. Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Hartz AJ. State Policies and Nursing Home Characteristics Associated with Rates of Resident Mistreatment. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2008;9(9):648-656.
  25. Kelly PA, Dyer CB, Pavlik V, Doody R, Jogerst GJ. Exploring Self-Neglect in Older Adults: Preliminary Findings of the Self-Neglect Severity Scale and Next Steps. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008;56 Suppl 2:S253-60.
  26. Brinig MF, Wilkinson ME, Daly JM, Jogerst GJ, Stone EM. Vision Standards for Licensing and Driving. Optometry. 2007;78(9):439-445.
  27. Daly JM, Hartz AJ, Stromquist AM, Peek-Asa C, Jogerst GJ. Self-Reported Elder Domestic Partner Violence in One Rural Iowa County.J.Emot.Abuse. 2007;7(4):115-134.
  28. Daly JM, Jogerst GJ. Nursing Home Abuse Report and Investigation Legislation. J Elder Abuse Negl. 2007;19(3-4):119-131.
  29. Daly JM, Jogerst GJ, Schmuch GA. APS Participatory Network Case Study Review. Soc Work Health Care. 2007;46(1):21-36.
  30. Brinig MF, Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Dawson JD, Schmuch GA. Law-Making by Public Welfare Professionals. Whittier Journal of Child and Family Advocacy. 2006;5(1):57-86.
  31. Buri HM, Daly JM, Hartz AJ, Jogerst GJ. Factors Associated with Self-Reported Elder Mistreatment in Iowa's Frailest Elders. Research on Aging. 2006;28(5):562-581.
  32. Daly JM, Jogerst GJ. Nursing Home Statutes: Mistreatment Definitions.J Elder Abuse Negl. 2006;18(1):19-39.
  33. Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Dawson JD, Peek-Asa C, Schmuch GA. Iowa Nursing Home Characteristics Associated with Reported Abuse. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2006;7(4):203-207.
  34. Daly JM. Retaining Nursing Home Staff. ElderCare. 2005;5(2):3-4.
  35. Daly JM, Jogerst GJ. Readability and Content of Elder Abuse Instruments. J Elder Abuse Negl. 2005;17(4):31-52.
  36. Daly JM, Jogerst GJ. Definitions and Indicators of Elder Abuse: A Delphi Survey of APS Caseworkers. J Elder Abuse Negl. 2005;17(1):1-19.
  37. Daly JM, Jogerst GJ. Association of Knowledge of Adult Protective Services Legislation with Rates of Reporting of Abuse in Iowa Nursing Homes. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2005;6(2):113-120.
  38. Daly JM, Jogerst GJ, Haigh KM, Leeney JL, Dawson JD. APS Workers Job Requirements Associated with Elder Abuse Rates. Soc Work Health Care. 2005;40(3):89-102.
  39. Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Brinig MF, Bibas S. Association between Statutory Penalties and Domestic Elder Abuse Investigations. J.Crime Just.2005;28(2):51-69.
  40. Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Hartz AJ. Ombudsman Program Characteristics Related to Nursing Home Abuse Reporting. J Gerontol Soc Work.2005;46(1):85-98.
  41. Oswald RA, Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Bentler SE. Iowa Family Physician's Reporting of Elder Abuse. J.Elder Abuse Negl. 2005;16(2):75-88.
  42. Brinig MF, Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Schmuch GA, Dawson JD. The Public Choice of Elder Abuse Law. Journal of Legal Studies. 2004;33(2):517-549.
  43. Jogerst GJ. Elder Mistreatment. Precis: Primary and Preventive Care.2004:122-124.
  44. Jogerst GJ, Brady MJ, Dyer CB. Elder Abuse and the Law: New Science, New Tools. J Law Med Ethics. 2004;32(4 Suppl):62-63.
  45. Jogerst GJ, Daly JM. Adult Protective Services in the United States.Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine. 2004;25(4):279-286.
  46. Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Dawson JD, Brinig MF, Schmuch GA. Required Elder Abuse Education for Iowa Mandatory Reporters. J.Elder Abuse Negl. 2004;15(1):59-73.
  47. Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Dawson JD, Brinig MF, Schmuch GA, Peek-Asa C. Impact of APS Investigative Structure on Country Reported Domestic Elder Abuse. J.Elder Abuse Negl. 2004;16(3):1-17.
  48. Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Koll SS, Hildreth LS. Public Forums to Advance Dependent Adult Abuse Policy. Soc Work Health Care. 2004;40(2):89-102.
  49. Daly JM, Jogerst GJ. Statute Definitions of Elder Abuse. J.Elder Abuse Negl. 2003;13(4):39-57.
  50. Daly JM, Jogerst GJ. Caveats for Consideration when Reviewing 2000 Survey of State APS. Wordbridges Adult Abuse Review. 2003;2(6-7):3-18.
  51. Daly JM, Jogerst GJ, Brinig MF, Dawson JD. Mandatory Reporting: Relationship of APS Statute Language on State Reported Elder Abuse.J.Elder Abuse Negl. 2003;15(2):1-21.
  52. Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Brinig MF, Dawson JD, Schmuch GA, Ingram JG. Domestic Elder Abuse and the Law. Am J Pub Health. 2003;93(12):2131-2136.
  53. Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Ingram JG. National Elder Abuse Questionnaire: Summary of Adult Protective Service Investigator Responses. J.Elder Abuse Negl. 2003;13(4):59-71.
  54. Daly JM. Impact of Laws on State Reported Elder Abuse. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2002;50(4):S94.
  55. Daly JM, Buckwalter KC, Morris W. Use of Multidimensional Assessment to Provide Testimony on Behalf of Residents in a Life-Care Home. J Gerontol Nurs. 2000;26(12):8-15.
  56. Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Hartz AJ, Damiano PC, Watanabe-Galloway S, Willard JC, Momany ET, Buckwalter KC, Thieman A, Lempers J. An Evaluation of Seniors in the Iowa Medicaid Home and Community Based Services Elderly Program. Iowa City, IA: Public Policy Center. 2000(A Final Report to: The Iowa Department of Human Services):1-39.
  57. Jogerst GJ, Dawson JD, Hartz AJ, Ely JW, Schweitzer LA. Community Characteristics Associated with Elder Abuse. J Am Geriatr Soc.2000;48(5):513-518.
  58. Jogerst GJ. Elder Mistreatment. Precis: Primary and Preventive Care.1999:34-36.
  59. Jogerst GJ. Nursing Home Care in the United States; History, Regulation and Medical Care. The 2nd Symposium on Welfare for Elderly (Korea University Medical Center/Medical Science Research Institute).1997;35(10):1008-1019.
  60. Jogerst GJ, Ely JW. Home Visit Program for Teaching Elder Abuse Evaluations. Fam Med. 1997;29(9):634-639.
  61. Jogerst GJ. Diagnosing and Managing Elder Abuse. Iowa Med.1996;86(1):29-31.