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- Brinig MF, Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Dawson JD, Schmuch GA. Law-Making by Public Welfare Professionals. Whittier Journal of Child and Family Advocacy. 2006;5(1):57-86.
- Buri HM, Daly JM, Hartz AJ, Jogerst GJ. Factors Associated with Self-Reported Elder Mistreatment in Iowa's Frailest Elders. Research on Aging. 2006;28(5):562-581.
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- Daly JM, Jogerst GJ. Definitions and Indicators of Elder Abuse: A Delphi Survey of APS Caseworkers. J Elder Abuse Negl. 2005;17(1):1-19.
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- Daly JM, Jogerst GJ, Haigh KM, Leeney JL, Dawson JD. APS Workers Job Requirements Associated with Elder Abuse Rates. Soc Work Health Care. 2005;40(3):89-102.
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- Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Hartz AJ. Ombudsman Program Characteristics Related to Nursing Home Abuse Reporting. J Gerontol Soc Work.2005;46(1):85-98.
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- Brinig MF, Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Schmuch GA, Dawson JD. The Public Choice of Elder Abuse Law. Journal of Legal Studies. 2004;33(2):517-549.
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- Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Dawson JD, Brinig MF, Schmuch GA. Required Elder Abuse Education for Iowa Mandatory Reporters. J.Elder Abuse Negl. 2004;15(1):59-73.
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