Welcome to the Elder Mistreatment & Elder Abuse Team's page. 

Our purpose is to provide an electronic publication database that includes the following: 

state elder abuse statistics 

a description of state investigative agency structures 

an annotated bibliography of elder abuse research publications 

screening instruments 

a critique of elder abuse screening instruments

Funding for this work was received from the National Library of Medicine Grant # 5 G13 LM008625, Project Title, “Historical Elder Abuse Data & Annotated bibliography. DOI: 10.1080/08946566.2011.608048 

Gerald Jogerst, MD

Gerald J. Jogerst, MD

Mary Ristine Brodie Geriatrics Education Professor 
Director, Geriatrics Fellowship 
Senior Associate Head 

Jeanette Daly, PhD

Jeanette M. Daly, RN, PhD

Research Scientist

Gretchen Schmuch

Gretchen Schmuch, LISW


State Historical Abuse Data

State historical elder abuse data was sought from each state adult/elder protective services administrator. Data received was provided in a format established by each state. No standardized language is used across states. Each state's profile has a category for report, investigations, and substantiations of abuse, type of abuse, source of complaint, characteristics of victim, alleged abuser's relationship to the elder person, alleged abuser's demographic characteristics, victim's living status/arrangement, and the victim's living site. If a cell is blank in the Excel form, the information was not available. 

Some states provided data for all adults 18 years and older. In those cases, only persons 60 years and older were included in the state data. 

Some states' provided data for victims who reside in institutional settings. In those cases, only persons living in the domestic setting were included in the state data. 

Some states data is provided by fiscal year. The year data reported was the first year of the fiscal year. For example, if the fiscal year was 1996-1997, then in these reports, it was recorded as 1996. 

Numerous terms were used for type of abuse, source of complaint, characteristics of victim, alleged abuser's relationship to the elder person, alleged abuser's demographic characteristics, victim's living status/arrangement, and the victim's living site. Terms, such as medical neglect, caregiver neglect, battery-verbal, battery-rape, exploitation-sexual, passive neglect, malnutrition, or cruel punishment, were collapsed for presentation using the following types of abuse: abandonment, confinement, emotional abuse, exploitation, general abuse, isolation, neglect, other, physical abuse, self-neglect, and sexual abuse. 

If you have questions about the rationale for data categorization, please contact Jeanette Daly at jeanette-daly@uiowa.edu

APS State Agencies

StateOrganizational Structure, APS Website, and Hotline Number
AlabamaDepartment of Human Resources: 
Adult Protective Services Division 
AlaskaDepartment of Health and Social Services: 
Division of Senior and Disabilities Services:APS 
1-800-478-9996 (in state), 
1-907-269-3666 (outside of Alaska)
ArizonaDepartment of Economic Security: 
Division of Aging and Adult Services: APS
ArkansasDepartment of Human Services: 
Division of Aging and Adult Services: 
Adult Protective Services

Health and Human Services Agency: 
Department of Social Services: 
Disability and Adult Programs Division: 
Adult Programs Branch: APS


ColoradoDepartment of Human Services: 
Division of Aging and Adult Services: APS
 Colorado APS Intake Phone Numbers.pdf
ConnecticutDepartment of Social Services: 
Bureau of Aging, Community, and Social Work Services: 
Protective Services Unit: 
Protective Services for the Elderly (PSE)
1-888-385-4225 (in state), 
1-800-203-1234 (out of state)
DelawareDepartment of Health and Social Services: 
Division of Services for Aging and 
Adults with Physical Disabilities: 
Adult Protective Services Program
FloridaDepartment of Children and Families: 
Adult Services: Adult Protective Services Program
GeorgiaDepartment of Human Resources: 
Division of Aging Services: APS 
1-866-552-4464 Press option "3"
HawaiiDepartment of Human Services: 
Social Services Division: 
Adult and Community Care Services Branch
Oahu: 1-808-832-5115, 
Hilo/Hamakua/Puna: 1-808-933-8820, 
Kona/Kohala/Kamuela/Kau: 1 808-327-6280, 
Kauai: 1-808-241-3337, 
Lanai/Molokai/Maui: 1-808-243-5151
IdahoIdaho Commission on Aging: aging.idaho.gov
Area Agencies on Aging: APS

Area I (Coeur D'Alene) 
Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai, Shoshone 
208-667-3179 or 1-800-786-5536 

Area II (Lewiston) 
Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce 
208-743-5580 or 1-800-877-3206 

Area III (Boise) 
Ada, Adams, Boise, Canyon, Elmore, 
Gem, Owyhee, Payette, Valley, Washington 
208-332-1745 or 1-844-689-7562

Area IV (Twin Falls)
Blaine, Camas, Cassia, Gooding, 
Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, Twin Falls 
208-736-2122 or 1-800-574-8656

Area V (Pocatello) 
Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Caribou, 
Franklin, Oneida, Power 
208-233-4032 or 1-800-526-8129 

Area VI (Idaho Falls) 
Bonneville, Butte, Clark, Custer, Fremont, 
Jefferson, Lemhi, Madison, Teton 
208-522-5391 or 1-800-632-4813
IllinoisDepartment on Aging: 
Division of Older American Services: 
Bureau of Elder Rights: 
Elder Abuse and Neglect Program 
(in conjunction with Area Agencies on Aging)
IndianaFamily and Social Services Administration: 
Division of Aging: APS
IowaDepartment of Human Services: 
Division of Children and Family Services: APS
KansasDepartment of Social and Rehabilitation Services: APS
LouisianaDepartment of Health and Hospitals: 
Office of Aging and Adult Services: APS
MaineDepartment of Health and Human Services: 
Office of Elder Services: APS
MarylandDepartment of Human Resources: 
Community Services Administration: 
Office of Adult Services: APS
MassachusettsExecutive Office of Elder Affairs: 
Aging Services Access Points: 
Protective Services Program
MichiganDepartment of Human Services: 
Individual and Family Services: Adult Programs: APS
MinnesotaDepartment of Human Services: 
Aging and Adult Services Division: 
Adult Protective Services Unit
APS Website
MississippiDepartment of Human Services: 
Division of Family and Children's Services: APS
MissouriDepartment of Health and Senior Services: 
Division of Senior and Disability Services: APS
MontanaDepartment of Public Health and Human Services: 
Senior Long-Term Care Division: 
Adult Protective Services Program
1-800-551-3191 (in state)
NebraskaHealth and Human Service System: 
Department of Services: Aging Services: APS
1-800-652-1999 (in state), 
1-402-595-1324 (outside of Nebraska)
NevadaDepartment of Health and Human Resources: 
Division for Aging Services: Elder Protective Services
Las Vegas / Clark County: 1-702-486-6930 
Statewide / All Other Areas: 1-888-729-0571
New HampshireDepartment of Health and Human Services: 
Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services: 
Adult Protection Program
1-800-949-0470 (in state) or 
1-603-271-7014 (outside of New Hampshire)
New JerseyDepartment of Health and Senior Services: 
Division of Aging and Community Services: APS
 New Jersey Adult Protective Service Providers.pdf
New MexicoAging and Long-Term Services Department: 
Adult Protective Services Division
New YorkOffice of Children and Family Services: 
Bureau of Adult Services: Protective Services for Adults
1-844-697-3505, Press Option 6 
(within New York State only) 

Outside New York: contact the local county 
Department of Social Services APS. 
A free on-line official version of New York 
statutes is not available.
North CarolinaDepartment of Health and Human Services: 
Division of Aging and Adult Services: APS
 Directory of North Carolina County APS.pdf
North DakotaDepartment of Human Services: 
Aging Services Division: 
Vulnerable Adult Protective Services
OhioDepartment of Aging: 
County Departments of Job and Family Services: 
Adult Protective Services Program
OklahomaDepartment of Human Services: 
Family Support Services Division: 
Adult Protective Services Unit
OregonDepartment of Human Resources: 
Seniors and People with Disabilities Division: APS
PennsylvaniaDepartment of Aging: 
Area Agencies on Aging: 
Protective Services for Older Adults Program
Rhode IslandDepartment of Elderly Affairs: 
Protective Services
South CarolinaDepartment of Social Services: 
Division of Adult Protective Services
South DakotaDepartment of Social Services: 
Division of Adult Services and Aging: 
Adult Protective Services Program
TennesseeDepartment of Human Services: 
Division of Adult and Family Services: APS
TexasHealth and Human Services Commission: 
Department of Family and Protective Services: APS
UtahDepartment of Human Services: 
Division of Aging and Adult Services: APS
VermontAgency of Human Services: 
Department of Disabilities, Aging, 
and Independent Living: 
Division of Licensing and Protection: 
Adult Protective Services Program
VirginiaDepartment of Social Services: 
Division of Family Services: APS
WashingtonDepartment of Social and Health Services: 
Aging and Disability Services Administration: APS
West VirginiaDepartment of Health and Human Resources: 
Bureau for Children and Families: 
Office of Social Services: APS
WisconsinDepartment of Health and Family Services: 
Division of Supportive Living: 
Bureau of Aging and Long Term Care Resources: 
County Adult-at-Risk Agency
 Wisconsin Elder Adults Help Lines.pdf
WyomingDepartment of Family Services: 
Protective Services
Washington DCDepartment of Human Services: 
Family Services Administration: APS

Summary of the State Elder Abuse Questionnaire

In September 2000, a research team at the University of Iowa was awarded a grant to investigate domestic elder abuse at the national level. This two-year award was made possible by funds from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The overall purpose of this project was to evaluate the impact of state Adult Protective Service (APS) legislation on the implementation of the investigative system for elder abuse. One of the specific aims was to differentiate investigative structure and investigator characteristics at the reporting district level for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The following reports are individualized for each state that responded to the survey. 

Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open these pdfs. Acrobat Reader is free and can be downloaded directly from the Adobe website. Click here to go to the Adobe website and download the necessary software. Internet Explorer 5.5 or greater is needed to open the Elder Abuse .pdf reports. Download now at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/.


Department of Human Resources Office of Adult Services.


Department of Administration, Adult Protective Services.


Dept. of Economic Security Aging & Adult Administration.


Department of Administration, Adult Protective Service.


Department of Social Services, Adult Protective Services.


Department of Human Services, Adult Protective Services.


Department of Social Services.


Dept. of Health and Social Services, Adult Protective Services.


Department of Children & Families, Adult Protective Services.


Department of Human Resource Office of Adult Services.


Department of Human Services.


Idaho Commission on Aging.


Illinois Department on Aging.


Family and Social Services Administration.


Iowa Department of Human Services, Adult Protective Services.


Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services.


Department for Social Services.


Governor's Office of Elderly Affairs.


Bureau of Elder And Adult Services.


Department of Human Services.


Executive Office of Elder Affairs.


Dept. of Human Services Aging and Adult Services Division.


Department of Human Services.


Department of Public Health and Human Services, Adult Protective Services.


Department of Health and Human Service System.


Division for Aging Services.


Department of Health and Human Services, Adult Protection Program.


Department of Health and Senior Services.


Children, Youth and Families Department. 


 Office of Children and Family Services, Bureau of Adult Services. 


Department of Health and Human Services.


Department of Human Services.


Department of Human Services, Adult Protective Services.


Senior & Disabled Services Division.


Department of Aging. 


Department of Elderly Affairs.


Department of Protection and Regulatory Services.


Division of Aging and Adult Services.


Vermont Adult Protective Services.


Department of Social Services.


Department of Social and Health Services. 


Department of Human Services. 


Department of Health and Human Services.


Department of Health and Family Services.


Department of Family Services.

Elder Mistreatment Student Research

Each year, the University Carver College of Medicine provides a medical student research program. The purpose of the Student Research Fellowship program is to interest medical students in research and to acquaint them with career possibilities in academic medicine. Students are encouraged, as far as possible, to employ their own initiative in planning and pursuing a research project of their choice. 

The following students have participated in elder abuse research.

Jack D. Ohringer, medical student, 2023

Gerald J. Jogerst, Yinghui Xu, Jack D. Ohringer & Jeanette M. Daly (2024). Iowa family physician’s reporting of elder abuse: 20-year follow-up, Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 36:1, 25-40.

Lara Galloway, medical student, 2008

Galloway, L., Jogerst, G. J., Daly, J. M., Zheng S., & Xu, Y. (2012). Substance Abuse Associated with Elder Abuse in the United States. American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse, 38(1), 63-69.

Jessica McCool, medical student, 2008

McCool, J., Daly, J. M., Xu, Y., & Jogerst, G. J. (2009). Multidisciplinary Reports of Nursing Home Mistreatment. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 10(3), 174-80.  

Amy Schmeidel, medical student, 2007 and 2008

Schmeidel, A. N., Daly, J. M., Rosenbaum, M. E., Schmuch, G. A., & Jogerst, G. J. (2012). Healthcare professionals' perspectives on barriers to elder abuse detection and reporting in primary care settings. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 24(1), 17-36.  

Hilary Buri, medical student, 2004 and 2005

Buri, H., Daly, J. M., Hartz, A. J., & Jogerst, G. J. (2006). Factors Associated with Self-Reported Elder Mistreatment in Iowa's Frailest. Research on Aging, 28(5), 562-581. 
Buri, H., Daly, J., & Jogerst, G. (2009). Elder Abuse Telephone Screen Reliability and Validity. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 21(1), 58-73.

Kellie Haigh, student in School of Social Work masters program, 2004

Daly, J.M., Jogerst, G.J., Haigh, K.M, Leeney, J.L., & Dawson, J.D. (2005). APS Workers Job Requirements Affecting Elder Abuse Rates. Social Work in Health Care , 40 (3), 89-102.

Jennifer Leeney, student in School of Social Work masters program, 2004

Daly, J.M., Jogerst, G.J., Haigh, K.M, Leeney, J.L., & Dawson, J.D. (2005). APS Workers Job Requirements Affecting Elder Abuse Rates. Social Work in Health Care, 40 (3), 89-102.

Rebecca Oswald, medical student, 2003

Oswald, R.A., Jogerst, G.J., Daly, J.M., & Bentler, S.E. (2004). Factors Associated with Iowa Family Physician's Reporting Elder Abuse. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 16(2), 75-88.